Classification of Sentence

Sentences can be classified in a number of different ways based on their structure, function, or meaning. Here are some common classifications of sentences: Based on structure: Simple sentence: A sentence with one independent clause. Compound sentence: A sentence with two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction. Complex sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Compound-complex sentence: A sentence with two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Based on function: Declarative sentence: A sentence that makes a statement or expresses a fact. Interrogative sentence: A sentence that asks a question. Imperative sentence: A sentence that gives a command or makes a request. Exclamatory sentence: A sentence that expresses strong emotion or surprise. Based on meaning: Affirmative sentence: A sentence that states something positively. Negative sentence: A sentence that denies or negates something. Passive s...